
Resilience Building Ayurvedic Session

This 45-minute session conducted by telephone involves the use of pendulums specifically designed to work with Ayurvedic principles. Once you purchase a session, one of our holistic practitioners will contact you within 24-48 hours to set up an appointment.

Ayurveda has been referred to as "the science of a healthy and long life." Practiced for thousands of years on the India subcontinent as well as by about 80% of Tibetans, it considers illness as a disruption to the flow of elemental energies in the body. The principles of healing are based on three “doshas”. The Vata dosha encompasses the elements of air and ether. The Pitta dosha signifies the fire element. The Kapha dosha encompasses the elements of water and earth. These doshas must be kept in balance for the maintenance of good physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

The Resilience Building session applies both Ayurvedic and dowsing principles. Dowsing is the transmutation of energies using a pendulum or dowsing rod. In this modality, the Ayurvedic remedies involve 12 main herbs built into the pendulum set. As the pendulum swings, it infuses its herbal vibratory signatures into your biofield.

By administering the herbal energies into your biofield, we seek to bring the elements into harmony and to build up your resilience. If you are a person who suffers from repeated outbreaks of any condition, your elements requiring balancing to build your resilience so that you can start to heal. This is an issue that modern medicine does not address. Someone who has undergone a treatment regimen such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery or other treatments, will likely benefit from a Resilience Building session because the goal of the session is to bring the elements back into balance. Once in balance, there should be no resistance to healing.

The first step involves identifying a particular imbalance that has manifested into a health problem or simply a weakness (e.g., frequent colds, cysts, pervasive fear or anxiety, adverse effects of a medication or treatment, declining memory, etc.). The second step is to identify the herbs that may benefit you, which is done by asking questions and receiving answers through dowsing. The third step is to use the pendulums to administer the vibrations of the herbs.

All of this is accomplished remotely. All you need to do is be well hydrated during the session and be open to healing.  For long-standing health issues, more than one session will most likely be required. Start with one session then, if you feel you need more work, book the three-session package. Sessions should be spaced out according to recommendations made during the first session. For many, one session once or twice a year will suffice. If you are looking to build resilience through optimization of your immune system, one session per season is a rule of thumb applicable to most people.

Building resilience means you are less likely to attract negative entities, including infections and disease, but as always, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will be important in achieving this goal.

We have had positive feedback on these sessions, suggesting that dowsing and Ayurvedic principles work well together to promote harmony and build resilience to help stave off disease and disorders, to energize you, and give you a sense of well-being.

Disclaimer: None of this replaces allopathic medication or treatment and we do not advocate for the cessation of medication or treatment. These sessions are strictly for energetic support. When the body assimilates the vibrations received, it has a better chance of healing.  One cannot overdose on these herbal vibrations or get an allergic reaction, but if you feel your condition requires additional attention, please consult your medical practitioner.

Sessions are non-refundable for any reason.

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