
MagnetoTherapy Workshop

MagnetoTherapy is a non-invasive holistic modality that harnesses magnetic fields to enhance the individual's well-being by promoting healing, hastening the recovery from illness, and alleviating discomfort. The human being is of electromagnetic constitution living in an electromagnetic environment. Magnets not only make sense, but they are an invaluable addition to any therapy as well as providing standalone benefits.

Magnetotherapy Workshop ( 6 hours over 3 modules)

Module 1: Principles of MagnetoTherapy

   ? How magnets interact with the body

   ? Balancing energy fields

   ? Addressing imbalances in body, mind, and soul

Module 2: Tools, Techniques & Protocols

   ? Overview of different magnet types

   ? Magnet placement techniques

   ? Specific uses and applications

   ? Developing treatment plans

   ? Customizing protocols

   ? Safety guidelines

Module 3: Implementing MagnetoTherapy

   ? Integrating MagnetoTherapy into a Holistic Practice

   ? Ethical considerations and client consent

   ? Building up a practice

   ? Self-care strategies for practitioners

Certificates of completion of MagnetoTherapy Workshop will be granted to those completing a comprehensive quiz successfully in addition to attendance at the online workshop. A printed manual and magnets are included in the workshop fee.

Workshop Dates:

Module 1: Monday, March 24 2025

Module 2: Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Module 3: Friday, March 28, 2025

Time: 8 PM to 10 PM

All modules are delivered via Skype . Workshops are recorded for further review within 30 days to facilitate completion of the quiz.

All sales final.

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