
Career, Calling & Completeness

Astrology Report

There are a number of astrological indicators for career. As is the case for all issues, career choices and progress result from a combination of fate and free will.

The North and South nodes of the moon and the vertex are calculated points that provide insights into the types of careers to which you are destined to be drawn (your calling). The luminaries (sun and moon) provide clues as to your aptitude, your personality factors and career derived joy with certain careers (completeness). The midheaven points to the type of profession which you may choose (career). The houses are also important. The 2nd house is about earned income, the 6th house is about daily work routines, and the 10th house signifies your career and its issues. Collectively, it makes  an intriguing compendium of energies, and analysis that will inspire you to think about your career choices.

This astrology report is 15-20 pages in length. The length varies because it is personalized to your date, time and city of birth.

The report is emailed to you within 3-4 days.

Fee: $22.99 plus 13% HST; all reports are non-refundable.

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