
Angel Astrology Report by Email
Customized to your birth date, birth time, and birth city (it is not critical to know your birth time for this particular report.)

Fee: $18.99 plus 13% HST; all reports are non-refundable.

Instructions: Be sure to provide your birth data when you order or email it to us: info@hookedonholistics.com. Reports are usually emailed within 1-3 days.

Description of Report:

- using your date, time and city of birth, the report details Neptune's position and its aspects with other celestial bodies

- this reveals which angels influence your life

- the report suggests ways to meditate on your angelic connections and provides descriptions on how your specific angelic connections might assist you

- there is information on angels and orders of angels as well as a glossary of angels names

- the report is approximately 20 pages in length

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