
Your Child Astrology Report

This is a natal chart report for a child of choice written for parents, guardians, caregivers, mentors and educators. It is also useful for grandparents, aunts and uncles to understand the child’s personality and their spiritual, physical and psychological needs.  The report considers the child’s development from infancy through childhood, talents and challenges, family relations and friendships, among other considerations.  Apart from being of practical use, it makes a wonderful keepsake that the child can read later as an adult and to better prepare for adulthood. It also makes a beautiful gift for the parents of a newborn or newly adopted child or foster child.

The report is approximately 20 pages in length. The length varies because it is personalized to the child's date, time and city of birth.

The report is emailed to you within 3-4 days.

Fee: $22.99 plus 13% HST; all reports are non-refundable.

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